Limousine Prices


Limousine prices can vary greatly depending on the type you are looking to rent and where you live. Rates in New York City and Los Angeles are going to be considerably more expensive than rates in cities such as Houston or Phoenix. The type of limousine is the most important factor that determines price. The more exclusive or larger your limousine is, the more you will typically pay.

For example, classic limousines such as a 1960 Rolls Royce will cost considerable more than a Lincoln Town Car Limousine. For sport-utility vehicle style limousines, a Range Rover limousines is going to cost considerably more than a Ford Excursion limousine. Some sport-utility vehicle styled limousines such as the Hummer limo and Escalade limo can be stretched to hold up to 26 people, which will be reflected in the price.

Interior features and amenities can have a large impact on limo prices. Some limousine companies offer state of the art interiors with marble topped bars, multiple flat screen televisions, stainless steel accents, and real wood paneling. The more features offered, the higher the prices will be.

Limousine rates are generally charged on an hourly basis. Typical rates may be between $60 and $250 per hour depending on the factors above. Some limousine companies offer a free bonus hour if you rent more than five hours, which can help keep prices down. Many limousine companies also offer package pricing, based on the occasion, which can be a good value and really add some nice touches to your wedding night.

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